Alpine Summit seeks to follow best practices to minimize the environmental impact of its operations, including:

  • Focus on water efficiency: utilize recycled water for well completion and workover operations to minimize use of fresh water

  • Methane and hydrocarbon gases recapture: use vapor recovery systems to reduce methane and other hydrocarbon gases emissions at its production facilities

  • Minimizing inactive wells, a major source of methane off-gasses

The Company also seeks innovative solutions to steward environmental resources, including use of solar powered lights on our locations during drilling and completion operations, using smaller operational location areas to minimize disturbance and restoring ground cover through planting grass on construction and operation areas.

Further, in order to proactively address industry-wide carbon/methane emissions concerns, Alpine Summit, through its subsidiary Alpine CapH4, is seeking sustainable ways to mitigate legacy sources of pollution through abandoned-well capping.  Alpine CapH4 is funding important emissions abatement work that we expect to generate meaningful amounts of carbon offsets.